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Students’ arguments in the debate

Debate (POLITICS5)

Students’ arguments in the debate An eTwinning event was hosted in which students were divided into the roles of citizens and government officials according to the letters their names began with. They were given the task of arguing their positions according to the given roles: if they were government officials, they argued why their decision …

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Alexander from Bulgaria interviewing Ms. Milena

Press conference

Alexander from Bulgaria interviewing Ms. Milena Damyanova, Chair of the Parliamentary Committee on Education and Science Students participated in a simulated press conference game – a local politician was invited, students prepared questions for him/her, pretending to be journalists. If possible, a banquet was held afterwards. They prepared photos an articles about the meeting. More …

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Elena from Zagreb analyzed the Black Lives Matter movement in the media

Politics in the Media (POLITICS3)

Elena from Zagreb analyzed the Black Lives Matter movement in the media Politics In The Media Students chose a current political topic, monitored it for at least seven days in different media (TV, radio, websites) and took notes on what facts were presented and what opinions, as well as how the topic was covered in …

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students at Zagreb, Elementary school Odra having a meeting with the principal

Cake With the Principal (POLITICS2)

students at Zagreb, Elementary school Odra having a meeting with the principal This is a recurring activity. Once a month, three students are selected by random selection of interested students to speak to the principal about current issues in the life of the school. More onTwinspace students at Zagreb, Elementary school Odra having a meeting …

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An excerpt from the presentation by Romanu students

Our Political Histories (POLITICS1)

An excerpt from the presentation by Romanu students Students participated in a meeting with a member of the municipality, a local NGO or a historian to learn about the most important political changes in their country from 1960s onwards. The teachers instructed the presenters on the expected topics. Students familiarized each other with their political …

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