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The Padlet board with students’ opinions on women’s roles in the film The Namesake

Women in Films

The teachers chose films with prominent female roles. Students got the task to study their roles in the family and the society and to report on what they observed, particularly the changes from 1960 onwards. An eTwinning event was set up where students discussed different portrayals of women in films in the last 60 years. …

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Students’ fathers cleaning a classroom

Dads Can Do Anything

The teachers organized events at their schools in which students’ fathers came to school and did women’s typical chores, e.g. cleaning. Students filmed the fathers during the events and made video compilations showing that it is appropriate for men to participate in the household chores too. Students’ fathers cleaning a classroom More on Twinspace Text …

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An excerpt from a student’s presentation

Women’s Rights

The teachers invited, visited, or contacted in some other way, the members of some women’s rights association, organization etc., and asked them to present the history of women’s organizations in their country from 1960 onwards to students; they pointed out what changes in these issues were brought by the EU membership. Students presented their findings in the form …

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Participants with their attendance certificates

The First Physical Mobility in Our Project: Stereotypes, Sofia, Bulgaria

During the week from 21.03.2022 to 25.03.2022, the topic of Stereotypes was finalized. 25. Dr Petar Beron Primary School hosted an international meeting with students and teachers from partner schools in Romania and Croatia. The week passed dynamically, filled with many activities related to stereotypes. The students participated in seminars on several topics: “Stereotypes before …

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Students watching the film Billy Elliot

Stereotypes in Films

A film or films that deal with stereotypes were shown at school. Most of our schools chose the film Billy Elliot. A discussion on the film(s) was held afterwards. A few students also wrote their own analysis of stereotypes in films. Students watching the film Billy Elliot More on Twinspace Text author: Ana Serenčeš

An excerpt from a student’s work

Local and Regional Stereotypes

Students did research on what stereotypes are held about people from their region. They made posters and essays from their findings and hung them in school hallways, thus creating a school exhibition. An excerpt from a student’s work More on Twinspace Text author: Ana Serenčeš