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The Third Physical Mobility in Our Project: Family Roles – Zagreb, Croatia

From November 7 to 11, the fourth mobility in our project was held in Osnovna škola Odra, Zagreb.

A total of 26 guests from the Bulgarian school 25th OU “Dr Petar Beron” in Sofia and the Romanian school Scoala Gimnaziala Romanu Braila visited the host school. The topic of the meeting was Family Roles, and the guests, along with students of the 7th and 8th grade, participated in rich activities.

On Monday, a ceremonial opening was held where guests and hosts presented themselves and their culture. On Tuesday, they visited the House of St. Francis, where they also introduced themselves to the residents of the home and planted seedlings in the garden of the home. In the afternoon, they played sports games in mixed teams. On Wednesday, they had a guided tour of the city of Zagreb and conducted a survey with passers-by, where they found out what attitudes the people of Zagreb have about the distribution of work in the family. In the evening, the students had a themed party where they got to know music from their parents’ time, but also exchanged their favorite pieces of music. On Thursday, they visited Veliki Tabor castle, where they were introduced to the character and work of local heroine Veronika Desinić. On Friday, the students created posters showing their memories of mobility, performed skits showing incidents and problems that arise in family relationships, and the mobility closed with the distribution of certificates and an emotional farewell of the guests.


This the outline of activities by days:



Opening ceremony:

– Headmaster’s and coordinator’s speech

– Presentation of Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania (dances, games, presentations, role plays…)

Distribution of role plays (sketches) in English with the topic of gender stereotypes, for all students, who should practice for Friday

Practice of role plays




Meeting at the retirement home

Presentation of the teams at the retirement home

Gardening at the retirement home

Meeting at school – role play practice

Mixed-team sports



Zagreb city tour

Student activity: interviewing passers-by on St. Mark’s Square about housework sharing

STUDENTS: 80s costume party

TEACHERS: Meeting – Erasmus practices



A tour and medieval workshop at the Veliki Tabor Castle; one of the topics was the local heroine Veronika Desinić



Performance of the role plays students have been practising

Student activity: Memories of the mobility – creating posters showing what the students have learned and enjoyed

Closing ceremony; evaluation; certificates



The students have demonstrated different family roles across different time periods and countries (the play with family roles).

The students have analyzed the public opinion about the distribution of housework in the family (the debate).

The students have promoted intergenerational solidarity (visiting and volunteering at the retirement home).

The students have recognized women’s contribution to society despite obstacles and fewer opportunities (the trip to Veliki Tabor)

The students have cooperated with persons of different gender in order to accomplish a common goal (mixed-team sports).

The students have noticed changes in women’s and men’s fashion, music taste and leisure time (‘80s costume party).


The students have also improved their English and successfully interacted with peers from different societies and cultures. They have presented their culture, which fostered their national identity and allowed them to also learn some things about it they did not know. They were presented two other cultures, which enabled them to notice many similarities across them.

Text author: Ana Serenčeš