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Mobility Romania

The Second Physical Mobility in Our Project: Education – Romanu, Romania

During the week from 17 October 2022 to 21October 2022 Școala Gimnazială Romanu hosted an international meeting withstudents and teachers from partner schools 25. OU “D-r Petar Beron” and Osnovnaškola Odra. We enjoyed very dynamic and interesting activities that allowed usto explore education as a topic. After months and years which prevented us frommeeting in …

The Second Physical Mobility in Our Project: Education – Romanu, Romania Read More »

Grandparents at school

A photo from a student’s work Unfortunately, because of the pandemic, our students’ grandparents were not able to come to school, but that is why our students had pleasant conversations with them at home. Students and their grandparents organized tea partues and discussed students’ behaviour at school in the past, as well as the punishments …

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The history of schools and educational policies

The goal of this activity was to become more familiar with historical schools in students’ own countries and to compare them with other countries. Students learned about this topic in different ways, according to local opportunities. Some students had a visit from the local school history museum, while others did some research of their own. …

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